Omali Vida Nón has a new team member! Atenizia Caumblé is a Biology student from the University of São Tomé and she will be analysing the videos recorded by BRUVs (baited underwater cameras) for the next two months as part of her BSc dissertation research. Atenizia spent two weeks in Principe where she received 80h of training and got to know the different activities of the project. Welcome Atenizia, great to have you with us!
Since September 23 and until December, Gisela Costa will be working with us as an intern thanks to funding from programme Erasmus+. Gisela has just finished her BSc in Biology at the University of Aveiro (Portugal) and now is taking part in all of the different activities of the project Omali Vida Nón! Her work with us includes supporting community ideas, analysing BRUV videos, processing fisheries landing data and collecting fish maturity data. Gisela will also be analysing these data and producing summaries of interest for the several stakeholders involved. Welcome, Gisela!
Benjamin volunteered with us for several months. We are sad to see him leave and wish him all the luck for his new job! Benjamin tells us about his time with us: "Hello! My name is Benjamin and I'm a marine biologist from the UK. For the past few months I have been working on producing a map for Príncipe's marine area. Around the island there are several different habitat types including rocky reefs, coral beds and unusual 'gla-gla' beds made from nodules of hard pink algae. I have been around the whole island taking samples of habitat type. Using these data and high resolution satellite images I am trying to determine where these different habitats are found. As on the land, habitat type in the sea determines the kind of species found there, and so having a habitat map is an important step for planning comprehensive conservation strategies and sustainable exploitation of marine resources. It has been amazing getting to know the Omali team and also see all the different corners of Príncipe's underwater world. Thanks for having me on board!"
From 27th to 30th of September, collaborators from the University of São Tomé and the Directorate General of Fisheries travelled to Principe to visit our project. We were really happy to show them all the work being done in the island of Príncipe. For example, we visited the handicraft center of Praia Burra (initiative under the "Community Ideas") and demonstrated our work with underwater video cameras and a study about fish maturity. It was a great opportunity to evaluate the progress of our project and discuss future collaborations with national partners. Thank you for your visit and see you soon!
April 2024