During the month of August, our Omali Vida Nón project participated at the Príncipe Island Entrepreneurship Fair. The community of Praia Burra showed all the wonderful works that have developed under the initiative Community Ideas: crafts made with fish scales and empty shells collected on the beaches. The beautiful coconut milk soaps made by fisherman and fish traders from Praia Abade were also a success! These are ideas that promote the economic and social development of fishing communities, through income alternatives to fishermen and palaiês - traders of dried and salted fish.
From July 16 to August 10 we completed the first round of BRUV surveys! BRUVs (Baited Remote Underwater Video surveys) are a non-invasive methodology used to record fish presence, relative abundance and behaviour. Sixty sampling points, randomly selected, were surveyed and over 90 hours of videos have been recorded. This constitutes the first successful sampling round of a monitoring strategy that will continue over the next five years. We are looking forward to start analysing the videos! Over the next months we will be watching the videos and recording species’ presence and abundance using the MaxN metric (maximum number of individuals per frame). This information will be used to design a potential network of Marine Protected Areas. We already got some spectacular footages and they will be available online soon!
April 2024